Gravité (Gravity)

Seven wooden letters which form the word GRAVITE, are installed against a wall, as if embedded in the space’s architecture; the paint which colors the letters drips and stains the wall.

S’échapper (Escape)

Seven wooden letters which form the word S’ECHAPPER, are imbedded in the floor, as if stuck in the space’s architecture; the paint which colors the letters drips and stains the wall.

Déplier (Unfold)

Seven letters of the alphabet forming the word DEPLIER, made of glazed sandstone, are installed in a corner of an apartment.

Apesanteur (Weightlessness)

Ten letters which form the word APESANTEUR, made from glazed sandstone, (every letter is about 15cm high) are placed at the corner of the wall and ceiling in the exhibition space. These letters are cut in such a way that the word merges with the architecture of the exhibition making it difficult to understand what is written without looking at the title of the work. Here, the earth (sandstone) is weightless but the sculpture, mixed with the architecture, is imprisoned.

Parasiter (Parasite)

Nine letters make up the word PARASITER, made of sandstone glazed with mother of pearl. A sculpture becomes the parasite of architecture.